Team Member Spotlight: Krista Finley

Krista Finley | Account Executive

KristaEditKrista, we’re doing it right now!!!

Sure, she looks relaxed here. But don’t let looks deceive you. Krista cracks the whip like nobody’s business. She manages complicated accounts and creates schedules that boggle our minds. She’s never met a deadline she couldn’t vanquish.

Krista has boundless energy. She’s always one of the first people in the door every day despite living pretty darned far away. This boundless energy may or may not have to do with her love of cake. And coffee. Doesn’t matter. We don’t care where her energy comes from … we just know that we all count on her to keep us in line and on schedule.

When she’s not bossing all of us around, she’s mom to two awesome kids. (We imagine a very elaborate family chore schedule on her refrigerator.) On warm weather weekends, she’s likely to be found out on their pontoon boat. And we’ve heard she’s getting a pool.
Party at Finley’s!!!