Shift Digital

Presented by MediaFuel

Let’s get digital! Shift Digital is a podcast presented by MediaFuel Digital Agency, and features business leaders’ take on leadership, culture, business growth, and marketing in the ever-growing, vast digital realm. Through these interviews, you’ll see that we are not alone in this digital world, and that there are practical, imperfect, and disciplined approaches to accomplishing your goals. We tackle common misconceptions and sometimes even fight the status quo. Take a listen, and find some inspiration on your business journey.

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Because We Care

Attract more customers like your best customers.

Attract more customers like your best customers.

In this eBook An Introductory Guide to Prospect2Promoter Marketing Strategy, you’ll learn how to measure customer value perceptions to help you attract more of your best customers, and how to identify the best few marketing initiatives to generate demand for your business.

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